Posted by : Unknown Saturday 12 October 2013

To help develop my story further, I’ve been doing some research into what films/stories and video clips are out there that has a similar theme to the story that I’m creating.
The main video that has influenced my story is of course the Casey Heynes Story.

What I like about this Story is that in the video you can clearly see that Casey is backed against the wall and does not want no trouble at all, but the protagonist, Richard, is bullying Casey aggravating him to the point where Casey snaps picking Richard up and slamming him on the ground in an act of self defence; but the story doesn’t end there. What happens afterwards is Casey, a kid whom had no friends at all, went from being a lonely kid to an internet sensation gaining thousands of followers on different social media platforms, mainly multiple Facebook fan pages (click link) and a fan made website (click link) and having also having a game, remixed video clips and internet MEMES made about him.

This is a game created as a result of the incidentThis is a remixed video clip

This is an animated remake of the incident

What really caught my attention about this story is the major turning point that no one could expect, not only did Casey stop the bullying, he also gained a lot of friends and support in the process. As described in his interview (2.24-2.34) nobody would hang around with him because of the bullying, and where he was a loner he was an easy target to be bullied. So in a way the plot to this story is a funny one where by, a kid whom has no friends and is being bullied, by overcoming the hurdle of being bullied, in the end, gains more friends and support than he could of ever imagined.
This story and the character Casey is going to be the template on what I build my story off of, where the protagonist in my story Phillip, is also being bullied and as a result of it has no friends because they’re too scared to be around him in case they too get caught up in the cross fire.

Another clip that I came across that has a similar theme to my story is this one titled “Yob Chav Thug Bully Gets His Come-Uppance 
unfortunately the Sun comic book (newspaper) does not allow 
you to view online pages (articles) no more so i couldnt  include the full story

What I like about this clip is that the theme again, relates to the story that I’m creating, a protagonist overcoming the antagonist, the victim beating his bully, a victory theme where by the protagonist has accomplished their goal and is no longer going to be bothered by their antagonist.

From watching this clip, we can clearly see that the protagonist; Jason Smith, 35, does not want no trouble and is standing his ground against the “local hard nut” protagonist, Les Andrews, 23. When we look at the set location design, we notice that Jason must’ve had some trouble before, because, the windowpane on his door is covered by a wooden board (0:53 on footage).  As the footage reaches its climax at 1.15 we see that Jason Smith is left with no other choice but to defend himself and his home. Unaware of the type of character that he is because of how calm he’s kept himself, we are unsure if Jason will be able to beat the antagonist Les Andrews, until, the major turning point happens when he lands a punch on Les dropping him to the ground.

It’s pretty much a clear narrative, in the sense that the way how Les is behaving, he did not know that Jason Smith was actually an ex soldier and an expert in two forms of martial arts, hence Les having so much confidence because he thought he was dealing with a nobody. Once Jason stood up for himself you can clearly see that Les’s whole attitude/behaviour had changed, he was shocked as he crawled out of Jason’s front yard and his friend closes the gate.

The key thing that I kept my eye on in this clip is the way that the bully is behaving, its classic bullying symptoms. The ‘strong’ trying to pick on the ‘weak’ a power-hunger fiend whom thrives on the fear of the weaker victim, a good explanation I found on a website that pretty much fits Les Andrews description “self-opinionated and displays arrogance, audacity, a superior sense of entitlement and sense of invulnerability and untouchability” we can clearly see this whilst watching the footage, and its something that I’m going to try and model my bully/antagonist off of.

The last footage that I’m going to show you is from an old film called “A Christmas Story”.

I especially love this film because of the way in which the bully Scut Farkus and his crony Grover Dill, and also the victims Ralphie Parker and his friends are portrayed; it’s perfect.
In the first footage it establishes whom the main bully is Scut Farkus, we see that he is predominantly a bigger lad then the other kids which would indicate that he’s older than all of them, we’re also introduced to his crony Grover dill whom is Scut’s side kick, always looking to get some sort of acknowledgment off of Scut and most likely takes orders from him especially where he’s smaller than Scut. The victims, Ralphie and his friends are smaller than Scut, which indicates to us that they’re younger and also inferior to him. With bullying this is a common trait, to pick on those they assume are ‘weaker’ than them.
On the second footage we clearly see and understand why the turning point Is happening having watched the first clip, when Ralphie snaps and stands up for himself, the bullies, Scut and his crony Grover are shocked, where they’re used to being the aggressor they’re not accustomed to being challenged as we can see when Grover tried to pull Ralphie off of Scut and gets shoved away, resulting in him running away threatening to tell his dad on Ralphie. Ralphie, standing up to the bullying, resulted in Scut and Grover no longer troubling him and his friends.

The main reason I’ve look at this clip is because, with bullies, they tend to have a side kick, or a group of friends with them to help feed their ego and carry out the bullying. Which Is what I also want to include in my short film, the main protagonist Shaun and his group of friends/crony’s/side kicks to help him carry out the bullying, with Shaun being the boss, the main man the rest of his minions take orders off of, the alpha male of his wolf pack.

Another reason that I’ve took a liking to this clip is because of something that the narrator Ralphie being voiced over by Jean Shepherd said at 1.18
"Randy lay there like a slug! It was his only defence!”
I particularly like this specific sentence because, it’s true to most victims of bullying; they feel as though if they don’t do anything, it will make the situation eventually go away.

So yea, doing this research has definitely helped me to build upon my idea and strengthen it in regards to the characteristics of the characters involved in my story, hopefully from it I’ll be able to write a decent story.

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